OPINION: Andy Kim Fights Against Current Radical Representative

A letter to the editor by Kathleen Strykowsky of Mt Laurel, NJ

As a constituent in Congressional District 3 (Ocean and Burlington Counties) I strongly object to the letter in the Shore News Network referring to candidate Andy Kim as “radical”. I have spent time with him at various fundraisers, where the donation requested to meet the candidate is $20, not $2,000. He is an extremely down-to-earth family man who is running a grassroots campaign without accepting donations from large corporate PACs.

His “radical” agenda is ensuring that every American has access to affordable healthcare even if they have a “pre-existing condition”. Kim is also willing to vote against the interests of the NRA to protect our citizens from UNSTABLE individuals having access to guns, especially semi-automatic assault-style rifles.

We currently have a radical representative with a proven track record of voting to hurt his constituents. Andy Kim is running to replace MacArthur, who was instrumental in working to disable the ACA, and deny pre-existing conditions. MacArthur drafted the legislation that has already passed the House to allow anyone with a concealed carry permit, even from states with NO background checks or need, to carry concealed anywhere!

MacArthur also supported and voted to pass the Tax Cut for the Rich, when he is the 13th richest member of Congress. This single permanent tax cut for billionaires and corporations is already having disastrous effects on funding for social programs such as Meals on Wheels, SNAP (which provides food for children, the elderly, disabled, and the working poor), and Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, which funds 60% of nursing home residents.

We need to vote for Andy Kim to block the radical agenda of our current representative, unless you are against healthcare, responsible gun ownership, and help for the elderly, kids, disabled, and working poor.

Editor’s note: The opinions in this letter are the author’s only.

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