Submit your letters to the editor

ABOVE: Public domain from Wikimedia

The basics

You can submit your letters to the editor to Please be sure to include your full name, town, and state. Letters may be of any length as long as they are well thought out, although we do prefer that they not be extremely short.

You may also include links and (properly copyrighted) images and screenshots. We may edit your letter for readability and minor content changes.

What Citizens’ Media TV has to offer over other media outlets

Here is a good example of a multi-letter letter to the editor, and here is every letter we’ve ever published. We hope you agree that our presentation is significantly more substantial and compelling than any other media outlet. In addition, most outlets have strict length constraints.

Please help pay for this extra service

Preparing these letters for publication takes time:

  • Reading each letter;
  • coming up with a title;
  • formatting and making critical fixes;
  • obtaining, uploading, and captioning pictures;
  • ensuring proper copyrights for each picture;
  • finding basic links to include;
  • and finally, posting and sharing each letter to many groups on social media.

For those who write letters regularly, and if you agree that this extra effort is worth it, we are asking you to please consider making a monthly pledge to Citizens’ Media TV. Even one dollar a month is greatly appreciated. Here are alternatives to those who wish to contribute but perhaps not monthly.

For those that already do contribute, we are of course grateful.

There are substantial benefits to becoming a monthly patron. Those who contribute three dollars a month or more, your letters are prioritized in the queue.

We have also added a new benefit for those who contribute ten dollars a month or more: we will personally and thoroughly copy edit your letter (only if you wish of course!), providing specific suggestions on improving readability and content. These suggestions will be delivered in an annotated PDF or via Google docs. You can take or leave each suggestion as you wish. (Genuinely, even if you don’t take a single suggestion, We’ll still print your letter.)

If you pledge $10 a month but don’t want or need the editing assistance yourself, you are welcome to pass off that editing credit to someone else, such as for someone who is new to writing letters and might want the extra support. We would be happy to do that!

Pledging more will allow you to take advantage of this service more often. We try to pay our own copy editor $50 per article, so this is a good value.

Thanks for listening, and please keep your letters coming. You can send them to