OPINION: Mr. Richter owes Congressman Kim an apology

A letter to the editor by Laura Beverage of Medford, NJ

Dear Editor:

I watched the League of Women Voters moderated event last evening, during which the candidates for NJ District 3, including incumbent Congressman Andy Kim, and challenging candidates David Richter and Martin Weber, took questions posed by the League and NJ District 3 constituents.

Overall, I was impressed by the civility of the forum, which is in short supply in the current political climate. The candidates were respectful of their allotted time to respond, and thoughtful in their responses overall.

But, I take great issue when, toward the end of the forum, Mr. Richter felt it necessary to express a direct falsehood about how Congressman Kim and his staff conduct themselves when interacting with constituents who have called his offices for assistance. Mr. Richter directly disparaged Congressman Kim by claiming, incorrectly and insultingly, that the Congressman’s staff questions callers to his offices as to whether they are a Republican or a Democrat. This is simply and categorically untrue, and I believe Mr. Richter knows this fact.

As a constituent of NJ District 3, and one who is especially well acquainted not just with Congressman Kim but also many of his staff, this is not the way he, or they, conduct business, nor would the Congressman even permit it. The fact of the matter is that Congressman Kim is a representative for ALL of NJ District 3’s constituents, and has made that distinctly clear in both his pledged, and occurring, monthly Town Halls and in every personal interaction he has with any of his constituents.

I believe Mr. Richter owes Congressman Kim both an apology and a retraction of this intentional defamation.

Editor’s note: The opinions in this letter are the author’s only.

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